Friday, April 17, 2020

Chicken Stroganoff

Stroganoff is a classic Russian sauteed meat dish in a sour cream based sauce. The dish got its name after powerful Stronganoff family. It originated in mid 19th century Russia and got its popularity around the world with many variations. 

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Asparagus Ghonto/Mashed Asparagus

It's asparagus season and every grocery stores are stacked up with fresh asparagus at a very reasonable price and there are so many delicious ways we can savor this fibrous and nutritious vegetable. We never heard of asparagus and some other vegetables while growing up in India. After moving to the states I started exploring unknown vegetables gradually. Among them asparagus is very versatile vegetable. Besides western style cooking, grilling and baking I prepare absolutely scrumptious Bengali(stir fry, with mung bean, with pumpkin, with poppy seeds with shrimp) and other Indian (quinoadishes with asparagus often.