Thursday, September 22, 2016

Kaffir Limeade

Happiness is picking  kaffir limes off the tree from Mashi's(aunt) back yard whenever we visit Los Angeles and I start planning how many ways I can use these precious limes because they are not found in stores. Her tree offers many limes every year. Kaffir lime is similar to gondhoraj lebu in West Bengal which means "king of flavors". But it's skin texture is not quite same. Kaffir lime has thick green wrinkled rind. Unlike lemon and lime it does not produce a lot of juice but wonderful aroma. 

Kaffir lime leaves and rind are used in Thai cuisine, from soup to curries even drink for its lemony essence. If you are a fan of Thai food you will definitely love this refreshing Limeade anytime of the year. This is a one of a kind drink. Though kaffir lime is not that juicy, so I substitute regular lime for it and  use zest and lemongrass to boost the flavor to the drink. Most Asian supermarkets carry lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves, not the limes. But I am lucky enough to get these beautiful limes and leaves from my friends backyard whenever I need here in the Bay Area.

1/3 cup freshly squeezed lime juice 
2tbsp freshly squeezed kaffir lime juice
A few kaffir lime leaves
1/4 tsp kaffir lime zest
1 lemongrass stalk
1/2 cup raw sugar(as per taste)
4 1/2 cups cold water
Pin of salt 
Ice cubes

Cut the top of the stalk and peel the outer layer of the lemongrass. Then pound the bottom white part of the lemongrass with a pestle to release the flavor. In a small saucepan bring 1 1/2 cup of water to a boil and add the lemongrass. Let it simmer for 8-10 minutes. At last add sugar and salt in it. Let it cool completely. Strain the syrup into a pitcher. Add in lime juice, kaffir lime leaves and the rest of the water. Stir well and add some ice cubes. Taste to check the sweetness level. If you need to add more sugar use warm water to melt the sugar. Refrigerate for 30 minutes or until cool. Serve with ice cubes in tall glasses. Garnish with kaffir lime leaves and lime slices.

Note~Gently squeeze kaffir limes or else it will taste bitter.

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