Thursday, January 28, 2021

Gondhoraj Pulao/Kaffir Lime Pilaf

Gondhoraj Pulao made with the most alluring flavor of Gobindo bhog rice (specially grown in West Bengal) and the distinctively fragrant Thai kaffir lime juice(close cousin of the gondhoraaj lebu), zest and leaves as a side dish that wonderfully pairs with any Bengali veg or non veg main dishes. It is super easy, quick to make and tastes amazingly refreshing! Use lots of kaffir lime leaves until the flavor really comes through. 

Kaffir lime is similar to gondhoraj lebu in West Bengal which means "king of flavors". But it's skin texture is not quite same. Kaffir lime has thick green wrinkled rind. Unlike lemon and lime it does not produce a lot of juice but wonderful aroma. Kaffir lime leaves and rind are used in many Asian and specialty Bengali dishes, from soup to curries even drink for its lemony essence. Most Asian supermarkets carry kaffir lime leaves, not the limes. Substitute lime juice for kaffir lime or gondhoraj lebu.

This special rice may be hard to find abroad. Substitute with basmati rice or kalijira rice. Just a few ingredients are needed to make this one of a kind rice dish. Cashews and raisins in the polao balance so beautifully with the aromatic tang. This polao is a great companion for any Bengali chicken curries and fish curries. 


2 cups Gobindbhog rice
1 cup whole hot milk
1 cup hot water
2 tbsp ghee
1/2 tsp ginger paste
1/2 tsp whole black peppercorns
1/4 cup raisins soaked in water for 10 minutes and drained
1/3 cup cashews 
1 tbsp juice of kaffir lime
2 whole kaffir lime leaves and julienne 4 whole leaves 
1/2  tsp zest of gondhoraj lebu
2 green chilies
2 tbsp sugar or to taste
1/3 tsp salt to taste
Kaffir lime for garnishing

Wash and drain the rice, keep aside. Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed pan over medium heat. Saute ginger paste for a minute. Add in the rice, stir gently without breaking the rice. Add hot milk,water, cashews, salt, whole black pepper and julliened lime leaves to the rice. Bring it to the boil over high heat then reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 16-18 minutes until almost all the liquid absorbed. Turn off the heat and add raisins and whole green chilies over the rice without stirring. Cover the pan leave it for 6-7 minutes. Then drizzle lemon juice, sprinkle sugar and lemon zest. Give it a gentle stir. Taste and just sugar and salt accordingly. Garnish with the leaves and limes pieces.  
Happy Cooking!

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