Friday, August 17, 2018

Pabda Macher Jhol Lebupata Diye/Pabo Cat Fish Curry With Kaffir Lime Leaves

Pabo cat fish is a very delicious fresh water fish in West Bengal and and Bangladesh. No matter how you cook it's going to be tasty. This fish curry tempered with nigella seeds, lightly spiced with fresh ginger paste, cumin-coriander powder and infused with kaffir lime leaves from our back yard is simply soul satisfying. 

Pabo cat fish has very mild flavor and delicate texture. So handle very carefully while frying to make sure they don't fall apart. This fish known as white sheat fish in Asian supermarkets sold as frozen, 14 oz. pack. If you are craving for macher jhol bhat(fish  curry and rice) on busy weekdays, this is one of the quickest and easiest fish curries to make with just a few ingredients. I use home made sun dried lentil dumpling for some "jhol" type fish curries often just like my Ma used to. Jhol is a soupy type gravy made with least of spices. Flavorings come from nigella seeds and green chilies tempered in hot oil but with the addition of kaffir lime leaves for its intense aroma which makes this simple fish curry out this world. Serve with steamed rice. Oh, it's heavenly delicious!

6-7 pieces of pabo cat fish(14 oz),cleaned
1 medium potato, cut into medium thick wedges
1 hand full of sun dried lentil dumplings (optional)
4 tbsp oil
1 medium tomato, cut into wedges
1 tsp ginger paste
1/8 tsp of each cumin and coriander powder
1/2 -3/4 tsp salt or as per taste
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp nigella seeds
4 hot green chilies
4-5 pieces of kaffir lime leaves(cut three pieces into thin strips
2 cups warm water

Smear the fish pieces with 1/4 tsp turmeric Powder and little salt. Heat oil in a wok or pan on medium heat, fry the dumplings first then potato pieces and at last fish pieces till lightly browned, both sides. Cover while frying the fish pieces to avoid spluttering. Keep them aside. 
In the same oil, temper nigella seeds, kaffir lime leaves strips and green chiliesAdd in ginger paste and cumin-coriander powder. Sprinkle little water and saute spices for a couple of minutes on low heat.
Add in potato, salt, turmeric, tomato wedges and 2 cups of warm water and bring to a boil on high heat. Carefully drop the fish pieces and simmer for 5-6 minutes. Add in fried dumpling and let it cook for another 5 minutes on gentle simmer till they become soft. Taste and adjust the seasoning. Let it cool for a while. Garnish with lime leaves. Serve with plain steamed hot rice. Happy cooking!

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